Monday, March 31, 2008

What's Going On? Word to Marvin G

The world is so fucked up when you think about it. If you go back to all the people people who used to be at the forefront of the world who have gone in the last 10 years. I'm talking from top to bottom. I mean we went from Bill Clinton (who even Republicans that were hated when he was in office back then now, like history, look more favorably on his tenure), one of the best periods of economic prosperity, an erased national debt and an overall reasonably satisfied nation to George fucking Bush. I'm not even a Bush bashing liberal either, just there's a noticeable miles difference between them.

The music? It sucks now. You think back 10 years ago and it was so exciting. Like when it was so easy to be optimistic as to what the future held for music because the quality at that time was so good you couldn't help to wonder what would come next. Now it's repulsive how much more garbage it could actually get. Nobody gives a shit about music and it shows partly through record numbers.

We lost so much in the past decade it's ridiculous. As a society, we've lost credibility, culture and least we forget how we've lost and continue to lose legends that we don't seem to even care to attempt to replace. It ain't like losing people has never been a problem in the history of the world but now? the great ones aren't being replaced at the rate that they're leaving. That's why athletes come back to sports after retirement and musicians swear they're done recording only to return time after time after time.

Ain't no more upward mobility or aspirations with the youth. They're just living to survive now and society is in large part okay with that it seems. Opportunistic commercialism preys on the worst impulses of the youth. In fact, society don't even have the courtesy to give them the same lies and shitty encouragement we had growing up. No more after school specials, no more "the more you know" commercials, none of that. They're just getting poisoned earlier and being targeted by all the garbage material bullshit and fixated upon all type of shit that won't even matter to them ten or even five years from now. What the fuck happened? We went from cranking Tupac & Biggie songs on the radio to Cranking That Soulja Boy.

What's Going On? Indeed.

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