Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Absolute Gutter Politics

"I don't understand why you gotta take something that's perfectly good and mess it up..."-Frank Lucas

What Hillary and her surrogates and flunky losers are doing is tantamount to what this scene depicts. They're stepping all over the good dope the Democratic Party espouses and labeling it under the umbrella "Progressive". I've got a problem with that. In the most latest incident last week, Geraldine Ferraro, the first female vice presidential candidate and a fundraiser for Hillary Rodham Clinton inferred Democrat Barack Obama only achieved his status in this presidential campaign because he's black. "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," Geraldine Ferraro told the Daily Breeze of Torrance, Calif., in an interview published last Friday. "And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Ummmm, no.

She of all people should know that sticking out from the pack and not looking like everyone else works counter progressive towards the ends one is trying to achieve most times in life. To the point of her statement, I don't doubt there is a certain block that is voting for Barack because they favor the narrative of America overcoming her historical prejudices and actually electing it's first African-American president. No doubt about that. I'll concede that point, but you want to tell me that there isn't a sizable population that still permeates in society that could never bring itself to even consider Mr. Obama, for all his excellent foresight, credentials, soaring oratory, intelligence and capability simply for that same reason -- that he happens to look more like me than them? There's no imperial data or evidence to prove either way which one of those groups is larger and more prevalent in this voting cycle so I'll stop just short of offering my guess but it seems to me the fact that this is even being brought up means we've lost as a party and that being liberal means something far more different to me then older more quote en quote "seasoned and experienced" Democrats. Then again, what do you expect? I mean you can go down the list of the Clinton campaigns greatest hits and see familiar tunes equally as offensive or worse:

  • The suggestion that Barack Obama was part of a drug ring earlier in life by Robert "I created BET to appeal to black people's worse instincts and pigeonhole and poison the outlook of black youth" Johnson
  • The suggestion that Barack Obama parties, rolls with, gets down with, is in bed with "slum lords" in Chicago - Hillary
  • Barack Obama is Jesse Jackson - Bill Clinton
  • The non-confirmation/opinion, maybe-he-is-maybe-he-isn't, statement by Hillary on 60 Minutes a few weeks back about whether Barack was a Muslim
  • The mysterious pictures that have been attributed to the Clinton Campaign that show Barack dressed in traditional attire of the African country he visited in 2006 that surfaced last month.

The list goes on and on, trust me...

These are not the hallmarks of real liberals. These are Republican/Karl Rovian style insults and xenophobic smears.

This is not the party that's supposed to be on the same side of the street with people that would hurl this kind of an attack. I would expect this from Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly; I wouldn't bat an eyelash if I saw this on TV from Ann Coulter, but from The Clintons? The Clintons that have been the standard bearers of the party for which I have stood up for since I was in high school? What's worse is that this kind of behavior may ultimately end up being rewarded by giving the nomination of the Democratic Party to one Hillary Clinton , cementing in my estimation and the minds of thousands of like-minded cynics, that the two major parties of the United States have no real underlining substantive difference between them. Moreover this should and probably will result in the death of whatever resurgence or peaked interest they might have been enjoying recently as a result of the RNC's near decade long streak of mismanagement, incompetence, and fouled up execution.

This is weak. Real weak. And if weakness is going to be the mascot of the Democratic Party in November and not just a riff conservative commentators echo about us in public then I'm done with it.

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