Sunday, May 4, 2008

Monday's Musings

1.)When you hear "I come from a small town" does it sound like "There aren't a lot of black people where I'm from and I might say something that could be seen as racist from time to time" to you to?

2.)The problem with living is dying. Doesn't it feel like an unnegotiated compromise we all agree upon at birth?

3.)If Barack Obama doesn't win Puerto Rico on June 3rd, shouldn't black people collectively revoke the right of PR's to say 'nigga' since they don't support niggas?

4.)If the record companies are seeing such record low sales projections and they're so anxious to rejuvenate business then common sense should point to them pressuring other companies who produce the rewritable blank cd's to raise the price of their product in bulk and at the same time lower the individual price of the record label's albums. Let's be frank, if record companies are selling one album for $12 and the consumer can buy a 50 pack of black cd's for $5 and can just duplicate the $12 album and still have 49 blank cd's left then that's just bad business and the suits really should have learned this by now. The sagging numbers have been fairly static for a long time now. They probably aren't going to see a spike anytime soon. Isn't it time for fresh new ideas?

5.)Why does personal greed and individual ambition always seem to win out in the eternal struggle against collective good? If Rev. Jeremiah Wright's 15 minutes of fame can be stretched into a book deal (you KNOW one's coming) , it seems that for him overshadows one of our own rising and ascending into a position to lead the country forward and shatter unbreached walls as recently as a decade ago would be unfathomable.

6.)What could possibly be Dwyane Wade's motivation for being romantically linked with Star Jones? He's got money. He's got fame. He's got more of each than her.

7.)People who saddle Barack Obama with questions of his pastor, whom he divorced unequivocally this week, are generally hypocrites themselves. I say that because who amongst us hasn't had a family member, an associate at work, or a friend whose made off-color jokes and comments who wouldn't make them in less demographically-challenged company? The thing is, we're not all judged via the same merit that seems to surround Obama in the media and public circles. It's not fair because if we don't ourselves denounce every single person that has said something that coincides with what we know to be right and decent and then distance ourselves from the, then we are being hypocrites.

8.)Why do people still confuse Hispanic as a race and not an ethnicity? Hispanic is not a color. You can't look in a box of Crayons and find a Hispanic crayon. Hispanics come in a myriad of colors just like every other group of folks worldwide. There are black Hispanics and white Hispanics and everything in between. Pele is as black as I am. We're not the same culturally but race wise, we are. Just as I'm not ethically similar to a Kenyan because I'm African American we're still both black. I'm counting down the days until a rapper says he has a Hispanic colored whip in all his ignorant splendor.

9.)Why does Hillary Clinton carry so much favor with the Gay Community when historically the Clintons have offered very little in the way of support of them? Don't Ask Don't Tell is as discriminative as it gets. Voting against your interests is as common amongst gays as it is amongst poor white conservatives I suppose.

10.)If Barack wants to win the White House this Fall, he needs to seriously consider adding Kobe Bryant to the ticket. Kobe can carry California. Kobe is the only acceptable African-American that Latinos will actually rally around and support through it all. Kobe has the experience of 12 years as a professional. Kobe's battle tested and has shown a fighting spirit in the face of adversity that would have crushed other people.

When you really think about it Kobe Bryant and Barack Obama compliment each other the best out of any other ticket you can put together. Kobe came in a white woman, Obama came out of a white woman. Kobe's got the establishment behind him, Barack brings new people into the fold and appeals to people who otherwise wouldn't even be interested in the process, both carrying two important constituencies.

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